Trigger foods- certain types of food that once they are around, you can't say no to eating them; once you start eating them, you can't stop at just "a little"- foods that trigger you to binge (on that certain food or foods)
I think a lot of you know what I'm talking about. For instance, if I order pizza, I can eat nearly the whole thing in one sitting most of the time. Tonight I ate the whole thing in one sitting (the only redeeming qualities were the thin whole-wheat crust and that it was covered in veggies and less cheese than usual). Another occasion is either when I make cookies or someone else makes cookies. I can't just eat one or two and feel satisfied. I have to eat like 4 or 5- you know, when I feel like I'm about to lapse into a sugar coma.
I don't binge-eat on EVERYTHING I eat- just a select number of foods.
Tonight after eating a whole pizza (even though it was as healthy as a pizza can be made), I have decided to stop eating trigger foods altogether, at least until I can get control of my eating habits. To start small, I'm going to make myself go at least a week without any trigger foods. My list of trigger foods is as follows:
Stephanie's List of Trigger Foods
- Pizza
- Mac & Cheese
- Pasta (of any kind)
- Cookies (especially peanut butter, sugar, or chocolate chip)
- Bread (the white, processed "crap" kind- whole wheat doesn't trigger me to overeat)
- Chips
- Rice (only white rice- brown rice doesn't taste good enough for me to binge on)
Here are 3 questions I have for those of you who can relate.
1. What are YOUR trigger foods?
2. How do you cope with the urge to binge when they are around?
3. Have you ever overcame the problem of binging on "trigger" foods? If so, how did you do it?