Sunday, January 9, 2011


Texas sunsets are one of the prettiest things in the world.

Sorry I forgot to take pictures at the Stars game. I forgot to bring my camera, so this picture is courtesy of my handy dandy camera phone. Unfortunately, the Stars lost to the Rangers :( They went into two overtimes and a shoot-out, and that's when we lost. Buttttt I had tons of fun with the love of my life! I'm not sure what it was about that night, but I think I fell in love with him even more. It's the little things that matter most, right? :)

How was everybody's weekend? I finally kicked my cold to the curb so hopefully I can workout a lot this week! Hooray! :)


  1. Oh woooow. I miss Texas :). That's an awesome picture. Glad to hear you two had a good time at the Stars game.

  2. I don't know how you're holding it together being away from Texas...I mean, it's the best state ever! haha
