Saturday, July 16, 2011

Great Day to be Alive!

So guys, about 2 weeks ago I posted about my heartbreaking breakup. Well, I actually feel really good now! I've been leaning on my faith in God, and it really has done wonders for my morale. I just want to shout from the rooftops how great I feel! I know breaking up was the right thing to do, and we can move on and be friends.

I'm excited to start grad school next month and am so excited to see what this next chapter of my life holds.

It's so funny because I thought that when I was 22, I'd be planning a wedding or already be married. Obviously, life didn't turn out that way. And I am a-okay with that. I have never been more at peace with anything in my entire life.

Life is amazing and I am excited to see what is in store for me!


  1. aww hun I'm so glad to hear your spirits are up. I went through something similar last year, sans friends, but I learned so much about myself and what I wanted/didn't want. Take it day by day and there will be a light at the end of the tunnel! :)

  2. Oh I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I think I'm there! Somehow miraculously I feel really at peace with everything and am ready to move on to the next chapter of my life, with or without a man. I'm 22 and still young (obviously haha) and am going to enjoy that to the fullest extent possible (since I still have to concentrate on classes).

    I am actually really relieved to be single because now I don't have to worry about moving to grad school and keeping up with a long-distance boyfriend that I'm stressed out/sad about missing and whatnot.

  3. Hi Stephanie!
    My name is Flora Kayakone. I am an Amway Independent Business Owner. I was reading some comments from a blog by who wrote a reivew about our Artistry Luxury Eye Creme and found your comment about wanting to try this product.

    You might have already had someone contact you, but if you haven't, I wanted to know if you were still interested in trying the eye creme. I would be glad to service you and send you a sample for you to try. If you already have someone taking care of you, then please continue to purchase from them unless you are not satisfied with their service.

    Hope you had a great Christmas and enjoyed time with your family.

    Sorry for posting this.. I could not find your email address anywhere.

    Flora Kayakone
